Download - Rock am Ring 2005

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Rockpalast 2000
( 127 Votes )

This one is our best release ever. The quality of the video is very high. The audio is perfect. Dont forget to vote and write a comment. Wink





Video: compressed to ~1631kbps, 640x480

Audio: compressed to - 44100Mhz, 128kbps

Bury Me Deep Inside
Wicked Game
Razorblade Kiss
Your Sweet 666
Gone With The Sin
Our Diabolikal Rapture
Right Here In My Arms
Poison Girl
When Love And Death Embrace
Join me In Death







0 #35 Alex 2012-09-03 23:27
links fixed
0 #34 Erleen 2012-08-07 07:23
The password is on the file details guys ;)
+1 #33 Remy 2012-07-01 10:33
all the links are broken, no files found
+2 #32 Jeriann 2011-07-06 06:51
So when I downloaded these files, it asked for a password to extract them. What do I do?
0 #31 Gabby Flemm 2011-07-01 03:54
I'm so excited about this, but whenever I go to link 2 and try to download it, it says that it can't find the webpage.
+1 #30 Alex 2011-02-07 22:30
Цитирам Lana:
The link to part 2 has expired though =(

Fixed part 2 - 07.02.2011
+1 #29 Lana 2011-01-30 23:48
The link to part 2 has expired though =(
0 #28 Alex 2010-11-08 00:14
Цитирам Florian Bregu:
Hi guys, I just wanted to ask, do you bulgarian fellows have New Pop or Berlin 2000 in a likewise quality? That'd be much awesome to have, those shows from back in 2000 do indeed do justice to the band, so I wanted to check out if you guys have got any of these. In return, I could help you guys sorting out Rock am Ring 2001, as I own a pretty decent dvd combo from that stonking show, bottom line I could help you guys by providing links to download it. I have Hamburg and Festimad 2003 too if you're craving for one of these. Thanx much in advance! See ya!

Hi Florian

No I don't have Berlin and New Pop Festival from digital broadcast like this one here. I'm trying to get them but we'll see...
0 #27 Florian Bregu 2010-11-01 10:37
Hi guys, I just wanted to ask, do you bulgarian fellows have New Pop or Berlin 2000 in a likewise quality? That'd be much awesome to have, those shows from back in 2000 do indeed do justice to the band, so I wanted to check out if you guys have got any of these. In return, I could help you guys sorting out Rock am Ring 2001, as I own a pretty decent dvd combo from that stonking show, bottom line I could help you guys by providing links to download it. I have Hamburg and Festimad 2003 too if you're craving for one of these. Thanx much in advance! See ya!
0 #26 Florian Bregu 2010-01-05 19:58
I myself have only bought Rock am ring 2005 and the video quality was pretty much top-notch, but somehow my dvd copy of the show got scratched all over and therefore I can't use it anymore. Were it in a good shape, I could have it processed with divx, shrunk in size, uploaded in and posted the links in here, but as they say, a fellow and his rare dvd copy are soon parted.
0 #25 Florian Bregu 2010-01-05 19:36
Actually, there's a high-quality dvd source for Rock'am'ring 2001, Taubertal 2003, Rock'am'ring 2005, Hamburg 2003, Rock'am'park 2001, New Pop 2001 and a russian bootleg simply labelled as Video collection which contains some specials like the making of in joy and sorrow and pretending which you already have.
0 #24 Florian Bregu 2010-01-05 19:13
What about Hamburg 2003? Will you ever upload this show in which they performed Love metal in all its entirety?
0 #23 aylin66 2009-12-30 10:27
hey! Could you fix the third link please?:cry:

and greetings from Venezuela;-)
0 #22 marjohn 2009-11-08 11:08
thank u so much for everything! i'm having a great time dl all this beautiful videos!
0 #21 Veselin 2009-06-26 04:54
pass: himmania misla 4e e !!!
0 #20 Lora 2009-06-09 15:17
koq e parolata?:cry:
0 #19 Alex 2009-05-07 01:30
Procheti About ( stranicata. Tam pishe vsichko, koeto trqbva da znaesh...
0 #18 Veselin 2009-04-27 05:39
za faila nemoga go razhiviram ;(
0 #17 Veselin 2009-04-27 05:39
pi4ove pls kaje te kak e parolata ;(
0 #16 Stasko 2009-01-24 12:19
the key is himmania