Love Metal Archives турнето вече започна. Снощи в Webster Hall, New York за пръв път в историята HIM забиха една от най-великите им песни Love's Requiem. Както знаете, бандата ще забие 8 концерта в Щатите, за да промотират компилацията Lashes To Ashes, Lust to Dust. Поради тази причина в сетлиста са вмъкнати песни, които не са изпълнявани никога на живо или от много отдавна.
Ето как изглежда сетлиста, като вместо Stigmata Diaboli, са забили The Heartless. През останалите концерти има вероятност да изпълнят и други стари песни! Pic source
Unfortunately one of the presents for his Birthday is the leak of Slipper When Dead in the internet today, which during all this time he protected so daringly and never allowed for it to be published or included into compilations... and NOW every single one of you will have the advantage to hear the first records of Resurrection, Poison Girl, Join Me, Right Here In My Arms, Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart, Razorblade Romanca [Kiss] and the entirely odd Gone With The Sin.
Everyone enjoy the listening and Happy Birhday Ville... ;/
Ville has recorded the vocals for the song Lusifer of the new album Colours of Teho Majamäki. Rarely we can hear him singing in Finnish. This you can do HERE
Heartkiller (Live Helsinki 2010) Dim lights
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Something majestic is coming! On November 25th this year a collection pack Lashes to Ashes, Lust to Dust: Vinyl Retrospective ’96-’03 is being released. It is going to contain the first 4 albums and listen, re-mastered. Each album will be consisted of a second CD with unreleased tracks. However, the thing that is catching the attention is something else - the LP "666 Ways To Love". As we all well know this is the first CD ever publish from the far awat 1996, holding 4 tracks. The CD is a limited edition and there are only 1000 copies available globally. Well, after the 25th of November this will change, as it is going to pe released on a vinyl togather with the est of the Cds. All this is comes togather with a flash stick with all the tracks from all the Cds. This time the amount is limited to 2000, as far as the vinyls and especially The Diehard Bundle,which will
Here what is waiting for us from the already released stuff: HIM - Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 (2CD Deluxe Re-Mastered w/crush velvet slipcase) DISC 1: ALBUM DISC 2: BONUS TRACKS 01 Your Sweet Six Six Six (Live at Helldone TRE MMXIII) 02 It's All Tears (ACSTC Live G&T Version) 03 Our Diabolikal Rapture (Live at Rockpalast MM) 04 The Heartless (ACSTC Pascha MMXIV) 05 Stigmata Diaboli (Live at Caribia TKU MMII) 06 For You (ACSTC Live G&T Version) 07 The Beginning Of The End (Live at Provinssirock MCMXCIX) 08 When Love And Death Embrace (Live at Center Stage GA MMXIV) HIM - Razorblade Romance (2CD Deluxe Re-Mastered w/crushed velvet slipcase) DISC 1: ALBUM DISC 2: BONUS TRACKS 01 I Love You (TRNSFRMTN Version) 02 Resurrection (PRCX Version) 03 Right Here In My Arms (Live at El Teatro Flores BS.AS.MMXIV) 04 Poison Girl (Strongroom Sessions) 05 Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart (Strongroom Sessions) 06 Death Is In Love With Us (Live at Helldone SJK MMXIII) 07 Join Me In Death (PRCX Version) 08 Gone With The Sin (Strongroom Sessions) HIM - Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights (2CD Deluxe Re-Mastered w/crushed velvet slipcase) DISC 1: ALBUM DISC 2: BONUS TRACKS 01 Again (Hollola Tapes) 02 Pretending (TRNSFRMTN Version) 03 Lose You Tonight (Hollola Tapes) 04 Salt In Our Wounds (John Fryer Mix) 05 Close To The Flame (Hollola Tapes) 06 Please Don't Let It Go (Hollola Tapes) 07 Pretending (Kevin Shirley Mix) 08 Love You Like I Do (Hollola Tapes) HIM - Love Metal (2CD Deluxe Re-Mastered w/crush velvet slipcase) DISC 1: ALBUM DISC 2: BONUS TRACKS 01 Buried Alive By Love (Live at El Teatro Flores BS.AS. MMXIV) 02 Beyond Redemption (Vinnfox Relics) 03 Circle Of Fear (Vinnfox Relics) 04 Soul On Fire (Live at Semifinal HKI MMIII) 05 Endless Dark (Vinnfox Relics) 06 The Sacrament (ACSTC Pascha MMXIV) 07 This Fortress Of Tears (Vinnfox Relics) 08 The Funeral Of Hearts (Live at Helldone MMXIII SJK) 09 Love's Requiem (VRPN)
On THIS link you can take a peek at all this. Don't hurry to order and first think well because the delivery from the USA is quite expensive plus you will have to pay DDS on the customs :) I suppose they are releasing the collection in Europe as well.
Here come, the summer is almost past and there is time for us to get ready :) It seems like there are very interesting stuff coming this autumn and winter.
Helldone 2014 ще бъде тази година само в Хелзинки (Tavastia & Semifinal). Dec 29: Paradise Lost (UK), The 69 Eyes Dec 30: Children Of Bodom, Reckless Love Dec 31: HIM, t.b.a
През средата на месец август, концерта на групата от фестивала в Литва беше предаван на живо по интернет. Кликнете върху снимката, за да го гледате от youtube.
Gas doesn't stop making us smile with all those pictures of cool meals he is eating in the restaurants, but surely he finds time for serious stuff as well. diring the summer tour gigs he tryed his hard to surprise us with a few videos from the type "Drum Cam". Tears On Tape - Drum Cam All Lips Go Blue - Drum Cam Passion's Killing Floor - Drum Cam
This autumn the band is starting work on the new album. Ville is working also on "hymn-church-like-songs",and the album is supposed to be released 2016 the latest.
The gigs in İstanbul and Athens are coming closer and closer and I suppose most of us can't wait anymore :)
Here is the program for the one in İstanbul:
The other news is connected to a sudden surprise. released an on-line concert of the bang from Sydney, Australia from February early in the year.
You can watch it both from the official page of as well as from
On their first gig from the summer programme HIM played the song No Love from the album Tears on Tape You can see a video HERE