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After the summer
What new? Well not much at all!
Apart from the news that Linde got engaged to Toni-Marie Iommi - the daughter of the guitar legend playing in Black Sabbath - Toni Iommi.


Linde has a daughter at the age of 7, named Olivia. The mother is  Mariam "Manna" Jäntti, who is actually in the music fields as well and has two full albums released.They never got married. For more information che out here - Bibliography.

As for the band there's not much to be said. Weak summer tour, no tour dates for the fall, even weaker sales of Screamworks and nothing for the last single Scared to Death.
Just to mention as a comparison that in Finland Venus Doom, who was thought to be not so successful, were sold ~23 000 copies. From Screamworks  to that very moment are sold about за ~16 000, while back in the days  Razorblade Romance reached 100 000 copies, and only the single Join me - 30 000! Such a pity!... The album did not deserve such a poor faith but the managers seem to not trully care....

Linde, on the other hand achieved a great success with his side heavy project - Линде Daniel Lioneye. There is a small chance that he will tour during the spring in Finland and UK, but let's wait and see...

What could we expect in future? Me, personally, am hoping after the failiar of Screamworks that Ville will get over it as soon as possible and start working on new stuff. Do not worry too much. There is no information about new album or songs or whatever but it has always been thins way with him...after finishing something, he starts working on something brand new and so on, and so forth...
They most probably will perform for a few concerts around New Year and fingers crossed that by then we will be aware what is going on in there heads for the future...

Maybe some of you have watched the movie Smallville!? It seems like in one of the episodes they have used Wicked Game!
You could see the video from here- HIMTube