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HIM close to Bulgaria!
Istanbul or Athens?! This is the question many of you are asking themselves, right?
For the 1st time for 7 years the band will come so close to our lovely country. Istanbul is merely 6 hour drive by car, Athens a bit further away. I believe, that many of us will organize and will go to one of the two events.

Let's look at the pros and cons:
- the gig in Athens will be their own, but in Istanbul they will be the headliners, so the gisg will actually be the same length.
- The trip to Athens is much more expensive by car ( double to be precise) if you use bus or train
- In Istanbul in the HIM day, Stratovarius will also be playing.
- In Athens there will not be probably a group before and if so it won't take longer than 30-40 minutes.
- In istanbul the ticket for one day is 31 euro, in Athens - 29 euro.
- the trip to Istanbul is 5-6 hours, to Athens 8-8 (by bus or if you deciode on train - 12)
- in Athens the audiance will be only HIM fans, in Istanbul mized.

Here comes one hint for the biggest enthusiasts! :)
Go to Athens and the next day you fly by plain to Istanbul talking to the boys :p

All questions, opinions or ideas can be discussed in the forum!

I am launching the new poll stright away and I am hoping that this will be the one with the most positive votes that we ever had! :)

him-athens2014 him-istanbul2014