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Video of the Month
Video of the month - February 2013
This is one completely smashing performance!: )

Lose You Tonight (Taubertal Festival 2003)
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Видео на месеца - Януари 2013

Ето че ни делят броени дни до началото на Tears On Tape ерата. Както винаги  промотирането на албум започва поне 2 месеца по-рано. Да предположим, че датата на излизане бъде началото на април - то вече е време групата да ни залее с информация, нов сайт, сингъл, ново видео и т.н.

Също така се надявам да харесвате новата песен. За 13г, за първи път виждам толкова единодушно позитивно мнение, относно нова песен, която изпълняват.
За сравнение, първите песни, които представяха преди всеки албум са:
2001 - Pretenging, Please Don't Let it Go, In Joy And Sorrow
2003 - Soul On Fire
2005 - Killing Loneliness, Vampire Heart
2007 - Dead Lover's Lane
2010 - Love The Hardest Way, Scared To Death
2013 - I Will Be The End Of You

Ако I Wll Be The End Of You е наполовина толкова добра, колкото са тези песни в албумите си, то не ми се мисли останалите от Tears On Tape, колко ще са яки.

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Video of the month - December 2012
On the 19th of December (Mige's Birthday) starting at  21:30 , after 3 years of silence HIMMANIA Radio is coming back in full style. More than two hours mixed set spreading over the whole dyschography of the band, as well as a special minutes for greetings : P The place and time for these who are gonna listen for the first time - FORUM HIM MANIA

The Program:
21:30 - 22:00 - Various
22:00 - 24:00 - HIM
24:00 - Requested Songs

As for the band and what we can expect, well the forecast I am gonna make is based on the release of Screamworks. As we well know Screamworks was out on Febuary the 8th 2010. Exactly two months before this, during the first week of December 2009,  Heartkiller was already in the net, and bythe end of January 2010 its video came to the spotlight. If we only guess that  Tears on Tape could be released in March 2013, then, this means that by January the 15th we can expect the first song from the album on-line. Of course thi will be more clear around Christmass at Helldone, and we can simply hope that more than 1 -2 new songs will be played live : ) 

At the  moment the album is being mixed by Tim Palmer in London and should be almost ready. Heartagram.COM should be working again pretty pretty soon and enlighten us about the new cover design o f Tears On tape.

Vote for  Strange World at Radio ZRock  

Vote for Strange World at RadioТангра

HIM will be part of the fests literally through the whole of Europe, and moreover a gig of the band in Bulgaria is very likely to become reality, espeacilally having in mind the fact that they haven't been here for 11 full years and they know this fact very well. Let's not guess, let's just keep our fingers crossed...
And lastly, happy first snow outside as well as on our webcite ;)

And finally the video...one not so popular life from our Greek neighbours :)
Sweet Pandemonium (Lycabettus Athens 2003)
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Video of the month - November 2012
The news are stıll hot, just a countless minutes ago HIM confirmed they will be playing at  Download Fest 2013.İt is only the start having in mind the upcoming new album.Many more megafests and tours!We personally should keep our eyes open for dates nearby and around Greece, Turkey,Romania and why not afterall Bulgarıa...it is high time after 11 full years and it seems like next year would be the perfect timing! 

What is going on currently?
Ville gives freely and many interviews to all kinds of magazines saying the same things over and over again. And yet, things that I have been waiting through the whole of my life to hear (if only they turn out to be  true now). When we gather the most substantial sentences from those interviews it seems like: 
İn the new album
- the heavy will sound even heavier, while the beautiful and melancholical will sound even more beautıful and melancholical.
- It’s going to be something nobody’s heard before.
- Ville's favourite song from the new album is called Lips Go Blue

And now, after knowing at least one song title let's conclude all:

- the album is expected to be released in February or March 2013
- some of the songs are still waiting to be recorded with lead and backing vocals and acoustic guiters
- in November the album will be mixed by Tim Palmer in London
- it all should be finished by12-13th of December
- still there is no label to deal with the release
-  and so on and so forth... untill I write down all the news, some won't be actual anymore :)

That's how the compilation looks like. İt is possible already to be purchased in the music shops  at the price of 20-25lv.

And now, we keep going with  "The old Stuff" of the band and For You (Acoustic at Kelo Club 1997). One of the oldest live performances of the band in floating in the cyber space. Very appropriate to celebrate XX  :P

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Video of the month - October 2012
The new album should be finally done now! What comes after is the mixing session in November by Tim Palmer surely, аnd during January 2013 we can be gladly receiving the first single. And yet, some of the new songs we will be able to hear betweeen Christmass and New Years, when the boys will be rocking on the scene of Helldone Festival, which marked the highest ticket office sales this year! The 4 gigs of the band were sold out only for 10 minutes! Only for the 30th and 31st of December the tickets were sold out for the record timing of merely 5 minutes! Congrats to the lucky winners! ;)  

The video of this month is the extremely rare recording  from 2000  - Zofingen Festival, Switzerland.
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